B-EPIC products give people a lot of energy, strengthen their muscles, joints and bones.
Therefore, it is natural that the benefits of B-EPIC capsules are especially evident during fitness activities, as well as in gym or pool workout. Read the honest testimonials from people actively involved in sports, training and exercise.

Ashley Martin from Canada wrote:
“So yesterday was my first day back at the bouldering gym since starting Eleve8 and Acceler8, and I have to say I’m impressed!
I’ve tried many natural nutritional products over the years, but this is a game changer for me. I usually find myself worn out and exhausted after 2 hours of climbing.
Not anymore, I was able to push myself more than usual, my endurance was incredible! Even several hours after climbing, I still felt like the energizer bunny. So not only am I sleeping better, my mental state and mood is better, I’m starting to see some some physical changes and my typical endurance has increased substantially… it’s only been 12 days since starting these supplements!”
Barry Monteiro’s testimony:
“I’m excited to have been introduced to the BEpic supplements! At age 64 I decided to take up kiteboarding lessons.
I’ve been active most of my life but started slowing down a bit over the last couple of years. I developed a bloating in my abdomen that became a noticeable impairment during my kiting activity (there is no loaf of bread stuffed under my compression rash-guard shirt).
I’m already seeing great improvements after just a couple of weeks on the 3 pill system! It’s not only about weight loss. For me it’s about losing the ‘bloat’ and maintaining optimal physical performance in my senior years! I’m looking forward to my next kiting expedition this fall (with my 3 pill advantage) and trying to keep up with this younger generation!”

Sam Packard published this post:
“I had a body composition test done before lockdown and again this month and the difference in results were amazing. I started the supplements (Acceler8 and Elev8) shortly after the pandemic hit.
Over the course of some of the most challenging months of our lives and through the struggle of mental turmoil…. I went forward with my physical health and for that I’m SO PROUD OF ME.
I lost 9 lbs of fat but gained 6 lbs of muscle. I lost nearly 11 inches all over. My body fat went from almost 33% down to 27%. So no the scale doesn’t show massive movement but THAT PERCENTAGE DO!
I work out every day and drink more water than I ever have in my life but none of it would be possible without good sleep, balanced gut health and ENERGY. These supplements have helped with all of that!”
Review of Jessica Dalton from California:
“Almost 6 months on these amazing products!!!!
I feel incredible. This was NOT instant results for me. It has taken my body this long to look and feel this way! I did not ever workout before these products, because I literally always had ZERO energy.
Now I do my absolute best to workout and move for at least 30 mins every day!! I eat wayyyy better, and finally like drinking water. I couldn’t even get myself to drink it before.
I take white capsules 30 mins before bed. Purple FIRST THING when I wake up, before doing anything else. I take the green just whenever I feel I need the energy. Normally that might be 30min-1 hr after the purple.California

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