Elev8 / Acceler8 are an excellent anti-fatigue remedy. These pills quickly increase energy levels, give vigor and boost performance.
The reason for this is the synergistic composition of capsules that contain adaptogens, beneficial blends of bacteria and plant components, which for centuries have helped humanity maintain high energy level.
The following are testimonials from real customers who have been helped by B-Epic supplements to get rid of the feeling of constant tiredness.

Erin Renee from Ohio wrote:
“So this is day 6 of taking these 3 pills.
What I have noticed is my energy level. I am 43 and a single mom of a 19 year old, 3 year old and 2 year old. I work full time as a nurse and am working on my Masters. Needless to say I was tired all the time. I would come home from work and just lay down on the couch. My kids would beg to do something and it broke my heart to tell them to hold on. I just wanted to lay around. No energy to cook dinner for them so this therefore meant a lot of fast food. This was not only harming myself with high blood pressure and being prediabetic but what it was doing to my kids health was not fair to them.
So since starting these pills I get home from work, start cleaning stuff before the kids get home, make a nice dinner for them and now have the energy to go outside and work on my neglected yard while they run and play outside. I don’t feel the need to sit on the couch the second I walk through the door and fall asleep. And I am sleeping so great at night. I was waking up multiple times per night and now I don’t wake up till I hear my alarm.”
I know it is still pretty early in this new start but I already feel so much better.
Story of Jolene Weight from Pennsylvania:
“Once I had Audriana, a month later I could barely move on my own. After a couple months, I started moving a little . I still had a bunch of problems being mobile though. My balance was really off and I was so depressed because of it. I would go to bed crying.
I couldnt barely do anything for my kids and husband. I got so disgusted with my body. I was a mother and had to be “babysat”. I went through some tests and discovered its neuropathy. I had to use scooters through the store because my legs were so weak. I would get so tired so fast. It seemed so unreal at 25.
I found these 3 little supplements that I was so unsure at first with trying. I doubted them at first like any other human being out there. I kept debating about these products.
Now I am making money and bettering my health in one shot. I am able to do so much more. I can tell you I dont even touch the scooters no more! I clean my house so much more and not even getting tired. My mobility has sky rocketed a lot. When I go to bed it dont take me long to fall asleep at all. My anxiety has calmed down quite a bit. I am no longer struggling trying to find help. All thanks to these products I am looking better and healthier. “
Testimony of Amanda Peterson from Texas, the USA:
For the last year or so my weight has been fluctuating up & down. Covid-19 hit my business around the same time I was going through some terrible personal stuff. My stress levels where the absolute highest they have ever been! I was so ashamed. I avoided mirrors, never took selfies & would avoid or jump in the back of group pics.
In April 2020 a friend introduced me to something that was working out for him. He was sleeping better, better energy. When I noticed his skin looking so healthy I decided to give it a try. It’s the esthetician in me.
Good skin means good gut and I wanted/needed BOTH! Belly bloat was the first thing I noticed leaving. My energy has been on high & I completely stopped drinking coffee. My hair & nails getting thicker while I was getting thinner lit me up inside. I don’t know how to explain what it does for my mind except I feel happier & sharper!!
The ingredients where good for me. Got those capsules in my moms mouth as soon as soon as I could & she’s seen such BIG changes. Months later I’m loving the experience even more now than the beginning. Feeling happy and amazing!
Kendra Dawn’s testimony:
“Have I mentioned how much I love these supplements?!?
After waking up around 9:30 from an amazing night of sleep, I have cleaned the hedgehog cage. Bathed said hedgehog. Took out the recycling. Walked over and paid the city bill when I took the dog out. Did dishes. Made chicken teriyaki rice bowls. Cleaned the kitchen again. Cleaned the cat litter and swept the room. FaceTimed with the landlord to fix a leak in the condensation part of our a/c. The garbage will be going out when I take the dog out next. And I’m not tired!!! I still feel great!
Oh! And I don’t mind sharing a selfie with no makeup and no filter thanks to Rejuven8!”
Tiffanie Staub-Cross said:
“Day 7 of EPIC – My energy is INCREDIBLE.
NO coffee after 11 years of coffee. Don’t even need to consider it. My mood is like I am on a happy pill consistently but no jitters at all. My sleep is sound and relaxed- I didn’t have issues sleeping prior rarely toss and turn due to a stressful day but still sleep is IMPROVED. no headaches, aches or pains. Workouts are so much easier to be motivated for along with house work lol.
I LOST 4 lbs so far- did not take measurements but WISH I would of because I see a BIG difference. The 4 lbs are significant to me as I have been at my last 10 lbs for awhile and could not break below 148 and am now at 147! I know this will keep going until I am at 140. (started at 150.7) so this DOES work even if you are at your last 8-10 lbs. Apart from weight loss, the other benefits are WORTH it!!
I will likely continue the ELEV8 even after I meet my goal weight because of the energy and happy mood – overall wellness I experience.”

Cori Kesel Colombe wrote:
“I am a holistic nutritionist and have been in the wellness industry for 15 years. I have done every eating plan and tried A LOT of supplements in order to better understand the impacts on my patients bodies. I eat healthy 90% of the time but the last 8 years have been hard!!
I was diagnosed with Infectious mononucleosis and a severe case of pneumonia in my early 40s. I have never felt the same since. I have lived with CHRONIC FATIGUE for 7.5 years. My day consisted of lots of time on the couch because most days I had no energy to even do every days tasks. I would push through some days, try to be active with my boys, try to work out, work, hike, bike, garden, all of which I could do but was almost guaranteed more time on the couch.
I would describe to people that my body felt like it was always on the verge of getting the flu- that achy tired feeling. I went to lots of specialists, had all kinds of lab work done and was always told I was healthy. My diet and supplement are what got me by. But I was tired of getting by!!!
I was skeptical about starting B-Epic because I have literally tried everything. In fact most of the ingredients in B-Epic I was either currently taking or had taken in the past. Adaptogens, greens, nootropics, probiotics, you name it I had tried it.
I decided to put aside what I was currently taking and just take the 3 B-Epic pills. To say my life changed is an understatement!! My 13.5 year old said, “Mom you are like you were before you were sick. I love it!”
I am brought to tears tears just writing this because it literally feels like the me that was in there is finally coming out again! I wouldn’t say “I’m cured” and I definitely don’t think I feel as good as I can feel yet, but I’m here!! Feeling amazing!!!
The product is more than weight loss, it is about getting your life back! In 3 weeks I have better ENERGY, FOCUS & SLEEP, I’m HAPPIER, greatly decreased anxiety and depression brain fog is lifting and I have not rested on the couch or felt tired and achy!!!”
Harmony Hols from Iowa told:
“I did not start these for weight loss. I have crippling anxiety and an autoimmune disorder with ridiculous fatigue (( Some days it took everything I had to go from bed to couch, and even after 10hrs sleep, I just wanted to nap!
This 3-pill system has changed my life. Not only do I sleep better than I have in 5 years, but I wake up early and ENERGIZED, ready for the day. Ready for LIFE. My anxiety has gone from an 11 to a 1 (or 2), stress is crushed… I just feel GOOD.
I was drinking 2 pots of coffee a day and 4 or 5 sodas just to survive. I’ve been OFF CAFFEINE since day 4. No additional caffeine, no melatonin, no more multivitamins and gimmicks that don’t help. THIS!!
And the weight loss was a bonus.. Just shedding my quarantine (COVID-19) weight in 3 weeks was amazing!”
“I have so much natural energy!”
I’m 60, right? Kinda getting on up there in years….SO imagine how unbelievably TIRED I should have been today after flying home from Utah and not getting HOME until 3 am this morning. Bed at 3:30 am, up at 9 am.
Ordinarily my sweet self would have been on the couch ALL DAY LONG, but not today! I got up, fixed breakfast, took a shower, cleaned the potty, cleaned the shower, made the bed, unpacked and put away all my things, did hair and makeup and will be fixing dinner soon. So WHY did this happen??
My little green AMAZING capsule I took after breakfast this morning. I have so much natural energy that I have barely sat down all day. If this can work for this old chick who got to bed WAAAY late, imagine what it can do for you! Oh, did I mention it suppresses your appetite too!
“It’s definitely worth giving them a try!”
“Here are some things I’ve noticed in 30 days – crazy good energy (so yes I have more energy to exercise everyday and bringing my cardio back, I do workout 5 times per week for 30-40 min), amazing sleeps – I’m waking up in the morning and feeling amazing and rested, even on the nights my kids wake me up through the night. I’m eating well, I find I’m not craving junk and sugar like I was a couple months ago just overall feeling positive and good.
2019 was stressful and was constantly feeling stressed, elevated, and unhappy. I feel like I’m back to my old self and am running through my days feeling happy and good!
Elev8 & Acceler8 definitely worth giving them a try! You’ll thank yourself.”

Lucretia Stapleton shared her story:
“Sooo happy I started this epic journey!
I am 53, have hypothyroidism (no function), am post complete hysterectomy (early menopause) and post gall bladder removal. Was lethargic, had weight gain, didn’t sleep well (insomnia) and was at a pretty low place in my life. Spent 20 years working with doctors on my weight and lethargy concerns with no help. I tried every diet out there and finally gave up. I was too tired to even put make up on and hadn’t for two years.
Then I began seeing posts about these supplements. I thought I’d give it one more try. So glad I took the chance! I have my life back! I have energy to get things accomplished, I sleep great, and my stomach not only doesn’t hurt every time I eat anything but it is gone. I finally have hope! Hope to live a better, healthier life and hope to actually keep going to reach my weight loss goals. Life is so good!
I encourage you to give it a try…it may just change your life. It definitely has mine! What do you have to lose? Life is too short not to enjoy it.”
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