No, Elev8 and Accelel8 pills are not diabetes medications. But for some reason, many people with high blood sugar are surprised to note that their sugar returns to normal as soon as they start taking B-EPIC capsules. Moreover, they feel that their overall health is improving.
Let’s listen to these people!

Nicole Fournier from Canada shared her results:
I can’t even begin to tell you how much these 3 new supplements I have been taking are changing me these last 1.5 months!!
So far:
- My diabetes blood sugar numbers are back under control with NO MEDS. Dropped from 7.9 to 5.3 within 2 weeks.
- I feel my gut health being restored & getting rid of toxins.
- My inflammation has gone down. My swollen knee is gone. Circulation in my legs much better, not feeling so heavy in the legs.
- I use to wake up at 3 am and never get back to sleep now, I’m sleeping a solid 6 to 8 hours a night and if I do get up through the night, I fall right back asleep.
- These 3 magic beans literally reshape your body. I’ve lost 10 pounds and over 19 inches in only 1 1/2 month. My clothes are fitting a lot looser.
- My hormones are being balanced out and night sweats are almost gone.
- I just feel so good, better mood, lots of energy and wake up relaxed & refreshed. Feel so calm always… less stressed.
I love these products. They have changed the way I look & feel!
P.S. I take the green one mid-morning after I ate, the purple and white 30-40 minutes before bed.
Karla Perez from Virginia tells about her father case:
“I have been thinking of how to write this so that you guys can fully understand how THANKFUL I am that this 3 pill system came into my life! My dad gave them a chance and it has been the BEST investment that he has ever made for his health!! When we found out that he had diabetes, his A1C was a little over 14!! That was a few years ago. He has worked on it on his own since, but the numbers were still on the higher side…until he (I) found these magic beans!
He started this system in June and his health started to improve almost immediately. He noticed that he no longer had acid reflux, his knees weren’t bothering him as much, he was no longer getting those horrible muscle spasms at night, his blood pressure was starting to come down, and his daily sugars were somewhat normalizing. Fast forward 3 months and he is now a PRE-DIABETIC! Guys, I could seriously cry! No, we are not making ANY medical claims, but take a look for yourself. The 3 pills are the only difference that he has added to his routine in the last 3 months!
Oh, and check out that cholesterol too.”
Story of Wanda Sararas from Canada:
“I have been taking these amazing supplements for 1.5 months. I’m T1 diabetic, have neuropathy bad in my feet and lower legs. I’m also Alph 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency.
To start I now sleep all night instead of just 2 of 3 hours. No more waking up with neuropathy pain in the middle of the night and being awake all night because of it. The past couple of weeks I have been coughing and I realize it is just the supplements clearing my lungs out from when I smoked. Been smoke free for almost 4 months now. I have lost all puffiness in my face my blood sugars are not great yet but they are getting there.
If you haven’t started taking these miracle beans it is time to quit procrastinating.”
Carol from Illinois says:
“I am 68 years old and have had a quadruple heart bypass, 4 stents, CHF, and diabetes. Normally I have 0 energy. I sleep until 9:00 or 10:00, (retired) and in my recliner till noon or even 1:00. Then I have to force myself to do what needs to be done. I never expected to feel any different! Then came B-Epic!
Even if I never lost weight I would take these supplements the rest of my life! This is my 3rd day and I can’t believe what I am experiencing. This morning I was up at 8:30 feeling alert and not sluggish. I did sit and drink my coffee but then I have been up and busy ever since. This is going to be life changing for me and I have lost 2.5 lbs. At my age weight loss is very hard and slow.
OMG! This is totally amazing!”
Angela Letoi from WA, USA wrote:
My mom is my favorite person in the world!! I love seeing her get healthy. She is such an angel with a huge heart.
In 3 months her blood sugar (A1-C) went from 8.4 to 5.4. She no longer takes insulin everyone!
She has been taking this 3 pills system since for 3 months. She was a size 22 and now fits into 14/16. She went from 208 to 183 lbs. Her sleep is amazing, she has a mental clarity that helps her have “laser focus”.
I love you mom, to the moon and back!!
The story of Ric from Vancouver, British Columbia
After 10 days on the Acceler8 programme I have some things to report on. I have type 2 diabetes. My blood sugar after sleep has never been below 12 in the last 7 years. This morning it was 9. When I check my blood before supper it has been 8.5-9 for many years. The last 8 days it has been between 5-5 and 6.1, and for me that is exciting news.
The most exciting thing for me is that I decided to re-measure around my stomach and I have lost 1 inch form it. Inch loss is sometimes more important than a number on a scale (I lost 2 lbs only). Thank you for taking time to read this.
Camellia Brossard from Washington state, USA wrote:
As a type 2 diabetic I have to share that since being on these magic beans my A1C being uncontrolled at 13.6 three months ago is down to 7.4 which is lower than it has ever been. I can tell you from my experience they help with sugar cravings and clean your gut so you can be all over healthy!
There are so many other benefits, this is just the tip of the iceberg! I no longer have joint pain, I sleep like a teenager, wake up refreshed EVERY DAY, and no need for energy drinks or coffee every morning!
Diana Berkley-Collins Carmean from the US said:
“I went to my doctors this morning. Handed her my magic pill packs and she looked over them and she said. “Keep taking them, you look great, you are feeling great. Your A1C has gone from 9.7 to 6.7, your liver is back to normal, kidney function good. No reason to not take these.”
I am so happy. My last appointment was 6 months ago when I had pneumonia and bronchitis, and I was also diagnosed with fatty liver and since my multiple myeloma battle we have been keeping an eye on my kidneys because of kidney failure at that time and being diabetic. I am very happy with the results. I started these pills in April and can’t believe all the wonderful things happening in my life.”
Alecia Bryan Roberts from North Carolina told the following:
I saw my PCP today for a check up since I began taking the 3 pills everyday in April. My results today, in August are:
- A1C from 8.9 to 6.0
- 73 pounds down
- Down from a size 18 to 8/10
- Blood pressure is 114/68
- Stopped using CPAP
I’m eating a low carb diet with lots of nuts, fresh vegetables, berries, cantaloupe and honey dew. The supplements make it much easier for me to follow the diet by reducing my appetite along with cravings and has completely destroyed my desire for anything sweet. I’ve tried this before without much benefit before taking the supplements and was miserable because I was always hungry and felt deprived. The supplements have changed that because I’m seeing results without feeling hungry, without feeling deprived and without cravings.
Exercise? I wish I had the time for it in my schedule.
My husband said he’s gone from feeling like he was watching me die to watching me come back to life. These supplements have given me my life back and given him his wife back.
Testimony by Mary Kaydon Thompson from North Carolina, the USA:
“I wanted to talk about blood sugar.
PLEASE NOTE: This is not a medical claim or a cure for diabetes. This is my personal experience with the products and me being able effectively manage my blood sugar.
Diabetes runs on my mom’s side of the family in two generations. I was considered a pre-diabetic back in January before I started taking my capsules. Blood sugar when fasting for a pre-diabetic ranges from 100-120. I was 107. I started taking my capsules 2 monthes ago. This morning I decided to check my sugar again, it was 89!”
Pamela Dalton from Missouri shared the post:
“I started my journey about 7 weeks ago, I weighed 280 lbs as of today I’m down to 255lbs!
I’m a type 2 diabetic so I was always tired and not enough energy to keep up with my granddaughter but that has changed!
Just taking them 3 pills a day has increased my energy , my anxiety is less than it was & I sleep so much better. I use to have to come home from working a 5 hour shift in the salon & take a nap but I have changed jobs and I’m working 9 hours a day and I stay up till bedtime… no more naps!
So happy to be on this Epic Journey!”

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