The key to skin health is always inside the body. You can’t even dream of beautiful skin, having a body that is sick from the inside.
Elev8/Acceler8 pills (BEpic™) make internal organs healthier and stronger, and therefore they are beneficial for the skin. As practical experience shows, taking Elev8/Acceler8 helps reduce the symptoms of vitiligo, psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis, acne. Below you will find real reviews of people whom Elev8 / Acceler8 pills helped to get clean, beautiful skin.
Liz Longwell’s (aka PhabuLiz) testimony:
“There is hope…!!! 15 years battling psoriasis… I pray it comes to an end SOON! So far, these are my results and I’m sooooooo happy!
Only someone enduring this horrible disease knows how DEVASTATING it is for the self esteem, and slowly but surely I’m getting my confidence back!
* I am taking the three BEpic pills for skin so far 12 times. I have reduced to almost nothing the intake of meats, dairy and sugar.
“My skin is now completely cleansed”
Ellina review: “I am 33 years old. For over 16 years I have been suffering from psoriasis. Until now, the reasons for its appearance are not exactly known. And since the reasons are not clear, a cure for psoriasis has not yet been found.
I have tried many treatment regimens with various drugs, as well as strict diets. But all was inconclusive! The only salvation was a hormonal ointment, which gave a quick but short-term effect. There was a feeling of discomfort about my look, a sense of shame, severe itching.
Luckily, a solution was found when I met bEpic products. After 5 months of using the capsules ELEV8 and ACCELER8, MY SKIN IS TOTALLY CLEANED!
I just can’t get used to such smooth and clean skin”
I have struggled with acne all my life and felt like I HAD to wear face makeup everyday since I was in the fifth grade. Even if I was going swimming or to the gym.
This past week (after 5 weeks with the pills) I went to the store makeup free thanks to BeEpic. I started this program for weight loss (which I have also seen amazing results in) but this is by far the best change I could’ve ever asked for!
I can finally have the freedom my friends have that I always envied, to be able to say “I don’t feel like wearing makeup today” and leave confidently!
Morgan DeLisle from Alberta, Canada recommends:
This is how my hands used to always look! No amount of lotion or eating certain foods would help. I was so worried how they would get now with COVID-19 and having to wash my hands way more.
Since taking my pills I have not had a single eczema breakout and my hands aren’t t as puffy. I wash my hands countless times a day at work and when I get home from anywhere plus use crazy amounts of sanitizer. I would highly recommend trying these supplements.
Psoriasis Result:
“I wasn’t going to put this here because its super embarrassing for me and I HATE it. But Im shocked at what’s happening here and I hope it will help others, maybe you know someone that you can share this with?? I’ve struggled with scalp psoriasis since I was a kid, its a super pain in the ass, itchy, inflamed all the time and sometimes cracks and bleeds. No clue why I was chosen for this lovely autoimmune condition along with my digestive issues but NOT fun and anyone who has it knows what I’m talking about.
Now after taking these new supplements …in less than a week… day 6 actually I took a picture because It seemed less itchy, less irritated… and just less everything. And you can see the red inflammation is improving and it looks generally better. This product is literally healing me from the inside and I can’t be happier or explain how BIG of a deal this is to me… on top of all the other things it’s been helping me with. The ingredients are SO good for the body you really have to see for yourself.”
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