The B-Epic supplements (in particular, 3-pill system) have proven to be a good remedy for migraine and headache. Regular intake of Elev8, Acceler8, and several other products can help relieve pain. This is a fact confirmed by many reviews of real people.

Misty Spears from Kentucky said the following:
“No migraine in 10 days…
I’ve been on every med there is… 8 neurologists, basically bedfast and in the hospital off and on for 25 years.. not able to work solid, divorced and now today this is what I did…
My nieces and nephew have been here and we have done tik-toks,
played catch phrase and went 4 wheeling. Never would have happened before these wonderful b-epic goodies..
My niece said you have been so active with us!”
Cindy Cecil from the USA wrote about her migraines:
“For the last few yrs i have suffered with Migraines .. if i didn’t have a migraine most likely i would have a regular headache before days end and was given several different medicines to try to keep them under control..
I couldn’t sleep, melatonin didn’t work .. so instead i would take Tylenol pm or Benadryl or ibuprofen pm .. whichever to help me sleep every night which isn’t the healthiest to take on a daily .. with all the headaches along with other aches and pains.. i was taking 5 ibuprofen during the day several times a day.. which is very unhealthy because it could of hurt my stomach. I didn’t even stay to sleep all night .. i woke up more times then i could count and once i was up i couldn’t fall back to sleep!
Then a friend of mine introduced me to Elev8 and Acceler8 .. take one pill in the morning and 2 at night .. I have lost 11.2 lbs .. i sleep all night every night , i haven’t had a headache in a month, and i am always energized all day and happy!! It has changed my life for the better .. and its all natural..”
BEpic pills for migraine: testimony by Peggy M Moul from Texas:
“So here I am again, to tell you how much I love how I am feeling since I started BEpic.
My main area is I have severe migraines, so much so that I am on a monthly injection, a nightly RX, every 3 months I get Botox, and then I was prescribed an anxiety/depression medicine.
Next area was my mood, I used to be a happy person all the time and some time over this past year that changed and that could be due to work and the many losses I’ve dealt with. My sunshine was stolen and dimmed.
Next my energy.. I didn’t have it anymore no matter what supplements I took I could still go lay down and take a nap.
Fast forward to today. No more anxiety meds, I am getting next to none on my migraines, so I will talk to my Dr about taking me off another medication. I also stopped a heartburn RX I’ve been on for over 20 years because my gut health is better. I’m happy all day long with my sun back shining bright!! Great mood and focus is on point. Not to mention I sleep like a baby at night with just these supplements. Also added bonus I went from wearing a 14/16 to a 8/10.”
Turesa J Perry from USA shared this post about her headaches:
“I was having headaches for months going back and forth to the Dr getting different medications and shots.
Still didn’t help go bed and wake up with a headache! Since taking these awesome supplements I haven’t had a headache since!
These 3 pills are AMAZING!”

Review of Migraine Treatment with Elev8 / Acceler8 by Aley Dibblee from UK:
I have suffered with hormonal migraines for the best part of my adult life. Because they are connected to the rise and fall of oestrogen levels in my body, I typically get them 4-5 times a month, around my cycle. Not pleasant to say the least. Again, I have been taking very strong prescription meds to help with these, but they often leave me with horrible side effects, which I hate.
Fast forward to the little green super pill and this month I’ve only had the beginnings of one migraine, just this past weekend. I did take one of my meds howevs, the green capsules seem to have lessened them massively. And this a HUGE plus for me as they can leave me out of action sometimes for a couple of days at a time. Winning!
I now just want to shout through a metaphorical megaphone to everyone I know and/or meet – THESE CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
Reviewed by Gianna Christine Morelli from California:
“I work full time, take a full load of classes, and I am the mom of a very energetic 3 year old. My mom introduced me to BEpic. At first I will admit, I was very hesitant. Then I started reading a lot of women’s testimony’s with taking these supplements, including my moms experience. After doing my own poking around, I decided, well, it can’t hurt to try.
I experience really bad migraines, and I have a horrible sleep schedule. Taking headache relievers became the normal for me. I even tried melatonin at night for a sleep aid, I hated it. The dreams/night terrors I would have on it were awful. Upon taking these 3 supplements I have noticed a huge difference in the way I feel when I wake up. I’m not exhausted anymore.
Ever since I have been taking the green pill I don’t feel the need to have multiple caffeinated beverages to get me through the day. My migraines have almost completely subsided, which to me, I thought wouldn’t ever happen without taking medication from a doctor.”

Gianna Christine Morelli from CA, US wrote:
You know what I hated most about my everyday life? The headaches I would get on a daily basis, that have completely gone away thanks to these 3 pills.
The BEpic 3 pill system hasn’t just gotten rid of my headaches though. I have more energy, and I just feel healthier. Let me tell you energy is key when you’re a teacher.
Also, did you know that a healthy sleep cycle ACTUALLY exists as a parent?!? My sleep schedule used to be all over the place. I was maybe averaging 3-4 hours a night if I was lucky. Now I can honestly say I sleep 6-8 hours a night now with the white pill and it feels amazing! I use to cry in the mornings when my alarm would go off because I’d be so tired and would need 3 caffeine beverages to get me through the day, now if I drink something with caffeine in it like coffee it’s because I love the taste not because I need it.
I love the way this 3 pill system has been helping me and making me feel and this is only month 3. I can’t wait to see what else it has in store for my body.

Terri Thompson from Canada shared her post about meningitis pains:
“My story is an odd one….
Almost 6 years ago I contracted encephalitis with viral meningitis. For just over 4.5 years I had a migraine that lasted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I tried everything I could think of, numerous prescriptions, elimination diets, massages, alternative treatments and even my neurologist was running out of ideas. I was put on a cgrp drug specifically designed for migraines and it offered some relief. By this point the damage from being untreated for the encephalitis / viral meningitis and the constant migraine had done it’s damage. Sadly I was still getting migraines but had a day or two relief between them.
Fast forward to July 2020, I was introduced to the supplements, did my research and weighed my options, which were try a prescription that didn’t work the first time I tried it, try Botox (which according to the neurologist who does it, it only seemed to help 40% of the people who got it) or live with the way that I was.
July 23, 2020 was day 1, I started the supplements, changed my diet and within 3 months I had to look back to when I last had a migraine. At most 3 in that time frame and they lasted for a few hours each time!”

Review on BEpic products by Debby Brauer, Wisconsin:
“I love the Elev8, Acceler8 & Regener8!
I’m severely allergic to aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen & acetaminophen, there was nothing I could take to get rid of my migraines, I would just suffer with them until they went away.
UNTIL I started taking Elev8, Acceler8, & Regenerate, game changer! Not only have they eliminated my migraines, they also helped clear up my sinus problems. I have been able to smell & taste again, which I haven’t been able to in at least 8 years. I no longer cough all the time, but I can enjoy life again.
I would never go without these products!”
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