What is B-Epic
BEpic (B-Epic) is a network trading company from Utah, USA. It entered the world market at the very beginning of 2017. Company’s manufacturing facilities are located in Utah and Tennessee states. Now the company officially ships products to more than 50 countries.
Headquarters Address: 3075 N. Fairfield Rd, Layton, Utah 84041, USA
Full name: B-Epic Worldwide LLC (former name – R&D Global DBA B-Epic)
Website: bepic.com
e-mail: help@bepic.com
Tel. +1-888-335-7493
Founder & Owner: Dan Putnam
President: Dan Putnam (since 2019)
B-Epic products in Sweden
The company manufactures and distributes the following products
(click on the icon for details)
Please note!
- Not the entire product list may be available in Sweden in current time. Now only Elev8, Acceler8, Rejuven8, Allevi8, B-Keto & Royal Blue Tea are present.
- Some products are available only during LTO (Limited Time Offer).
The full price list can be found on this page
How to buy BEpic products in Sweden
Ordering online from your back office on the official B-Epic website is the easiest, safest and most efficient way to shop for our supplements. The B-Epic staff will prepare your order within 24 hours after you place it online.
You can pay for BEpic products by credit/debit card (Visa/mastercard/American Express/Discover). Payment via Apple Pay is also available.
To make order you need to create account on B-Epic official website and specify the desired products.
- Visit bepic.com website.
- Click Shop and choose product packs.
- Click the shopping cart and proceed to Check out and more payment.
- Then you will see a fee for pickup and ship.
- Enter your card details and make your order.
All payments on official B-Epic website are safe. Please use only authentic B-Epic website – www.bepic.com

Shipping & Tracking
Your order will be delivered within 3-7 days by DHL International GmbH logistic service. Products are delivered from a warehouse in the Netherlands.
Shipping cost for any order is USD 14.9 (about 130 SEK).
Tracking information is available in your B-Epic account on Order History.
To view this information, log into your B-Epic member account. In account menu use “Order – “Order History” menu item (at the top of the screen). Click “Tracking Info – View info” to see your tracking number (as shown in the picture).

Click on number to see delivery details.

Feedback from Swedish consumers

B-Epic Review by Micaela Nyström from Sweden:
“Now I have been taken the 3-pill system for a few months and want to tell you how it has been for me.
First, the energy! I have a 1,5 year old at home, and before the Green pill, even though I had important things to do, I could not help but take a nap when he slept. I did this probably 3-4 days a week at least. I love that I get a consistent energy during the day without highs and lows.
My stomach: I have a very stress-sensitive stomach, so much that I can get so much pain in my stomach that I need to take painkillers for 1-4 days a week. Since I started with the 3-pill, I have only had a stomach ache three times in several months.
I have shrunk in measurements around the stomach and my stomach feels good. I am so happy about it.
I fall asleep fast. My smartwatch registers significantly more deep sleep than before the white pill, it’s cool. I wake up in the morning and feel rested.”

Elev8 pills Review by Accalia Hannah Dahlgren from Helsingborg, Sweden:
“As a TCM- traditional Chinese medicine student I know that taking care of yor stomach is important though it nourish the other organs and it is important for you mind, but when you don’t have the tools for it it’s hard, stress less, it right it’s not that easy in modern time.
Usually I drank lots energy drinks around 24 cans a month maybe even more and coffee on top of that and I always had to eat something with it to not get my heart speeding.
My head was on all the time even tho I was tired, my life was sleep was it good sleep? I don’t
I hade headache and my jaw was tense for things that happened to me mentally a few months back. I started with Elev8 and my head started to get clearer after a few days and I felt peaceful not the anxious and tired feeling.
I have energy to get out on adventures and walks with my dog and getting things done.
My to do list is starting to get smaller and smaller
I haven’t had a migraine / headache since I started.
It feels like I can run without stopping it feels so easy.
I only needed a few days to feel amazing not even 7 days!

Review on 3 Pill System by Micaela Nyström from Ludvika, Sweden:
“I took the 3 pill system and I love them.
I have always had an energy level of 100 or 0, nothing in between and it has always been a big problem for me.
With the 3 pill system I have a even energy flow over the day, and it has helped me alot!
On Top of that can I see alot more deep sleep on my smartwatch when I take Sleep and no more bloated tummy. ????♀️????”

B-Keto & Blue Tea Review by Richard Jaconelli (Mölnlycke, Sweden)
“I’m going to show you my before and after pictures after I used BEpic B-Keto and Royal Blue Tea.
There are 4 weeks between the pictures and I have eaten just as usual without training. Looking forward to the coming month with the products when I supplement with the gym.
-4.3kg and -3 cm at the waist!
Love these products!”

Review on BEpic products by Pia Madsen:
“11 weeks ago I made some changes in my daily routine.
I am now almost at the goal of my weight loss. Had I not been to Rhodes with all inclusive I would probably have been in goal now????
I have lost 11 kg (+ 1.7kg from all inclusive holiday, so actually 12.7kg) and 12cm where the belly was biggest.
I am in size medium again and my BMI is in the normal range????????
I have finally found something that works for me. I’ve gotten so much better with myself ???? I have more energy, better sleep, decreased appetite and my sugar cravings are gone.”

Review on BEpic 3 Pill System by Selene Morell from Sweden:
“Jag har tagit elev8 och acceler8 så här kommer min historia ????
Jag har alltid sovit jätte dåligt, haft ont i magen och huvudet var och varannan dag och haft en väldigt pändlande energi! Mått dåligt på så många vis och kännt att allt är hopplöst och en historia av utmattning.
Men. Elev8 har gett mig en mycket jämnare energi och jag kan faktiskt känna glädje av att gå upp på morgonen. Jag är inte lika lätt stressad och lätt irriterad och jag kan känna att jag orkar hänga med mer igen ????
Med Acceler8 Restore har jag inte alls lika ont i magen jämt och inte alls lika mycket huvudvärk och min psoriasis har blivit mildare och kliar inte alls som förr.
Och Acceler8 Sleep sömnen. Sömnen, jag sover på natten och jag känner att jag sover inte alls lika ytligt. Jag somnar fort (vilket förr kunde ta timmar om jag ens somna) och vaknarjag så brukar jag somna om rätt fort igen. Jag känner mig mer utvilad på morgonen och kan se fram emot en ny dag.
Jag är så tacksam för vad dessa kapslar ger mig ????”

Review on BEpic Supplements by Helena Kihlberg from Bjärnum, Sweden:
Now I have been taking our amazing capsules for 10 months and I am so grateful that I made the decision to start.
I was lucky to get pretty quick effects.
- Better and deeper sleep, which made me much more alert in the morning.
- A more even energy throughout the day, without any dips.
- A smoother mood.
- Better focus and ability to concentrate.
- A stomach that is more stable with more regular toilet visits.
- No stomach cramps after I ate and no swollen stomach.
- Reduced cravings for sweets.
- Very rarely headache, which used to be almost every day.
- Handles stress better.
- My hands are much nicer. Do not have eczema and dry cracks as often and when I get it, it is not as much at all.
- The hair has become finer and I do not lose as much anymore.
- My night sweats are gone.
- The nails have become stronger and grow more.
- The weight goes down slowly, even though I have not changed anything else.
- With all these effects, I feel so much better mentally. Feeling that the body works well and the brain works means that self-esteem and self-confidence grow with each passing day.