This page contains reviews of the BEpic Regener8 dietary supplement. This supplement with turmeric curcumin are designed for joints, vessels & skin health and more. Product information can be found here.
Only real customers, only real reviews!

Regener8 review by Misty Carrico from California:
I’m 38. Have 3 kids (10, 8, 4) I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s 5 years ago and with severe rheumatoid arthritis 2 years ago. I also have migraines. I have a brace on every part of my body a brace can go on. I walk only with the use of a cane and only very short distances. I can no longer hold my children. I am on small doses of weekly chemo to fight my raging immune system. I take 800mg of Advil 4x a day. I take narcotic pain meds almost daily.
In November 2020 a friend gave me samples of Regener8. In 3 days I could tell a difference. No pain meds. Less tummy issues. More energy. So I bought a 1 month supply. By day 7 I was off all advil and pain meds. My foot and hand swelling is down 75%. No more ankle, knee, wrist braces. After 1 month I have not had a migraine. Not completely pain or swelling free but enough to need no meds.
I just made my 3 month regener8 purchase. I hike 2-4 miles a day with my family. I bought a mountain bike. I can pick up my 4 year old. I no longer drink 64 oz of coffee every day. So much energy.
No longer depressed. No longer suicidal. Hell I even found my libido again! I will take regener8 for the rest of my life!! I shout its success from the rooftop!

The post written by Lea Ann Eaton Graves:
I’m going to be real honest with all of you!! REGENER8 is by far my favorite supplement this far!!!
For my husband and myself this product has been life changing for our joint pain!
For the first time in several years my knee pain is almost nonexistent. The stiffness, soreness and the everyday all day pain is all but gone.

Review on Regener8 by Rachel Bramley:
“I’m on day 3 and it has changed my life dramatically. I have lived with chronic pain and I can’t believe how it has offered so much relief from my daily and nightly pain and I have gained mobility back in my hips and knee again. I am now an able bodied person again. I wasn’t expecting it to work so quickly or as effectively.. Yes I wanted it to work liked I’d heard but OMG this is the bees knees.
I’m totally in love with it and see myself on it for the rest of my life. I was on Endone, Lyrica and another anti inflammatory medication for my pain and am no longer using them.”

Regener8 testimony by Jackie Cole-Horning from NY state:
“Years ago I fell on the ice coming down my stairs and landed on my elbow. I went to Urgent Care and they said it was fine wrapped it with an Ace Elastic Bandage and I went to work.
Recently I started lifting weights and working out and the same elbow started acting up. I have had pain and aches for about a week and a half with little relief with ibuprofen.
Thank God my Regener8 arrived Tuesday. I put regener8 in a bottle of cold water yesterday morning and this morning and it feels so much better. Thank you B-Epic for this amazing products.”

Deborah Belk-Lancaster’s review on Regener8:
“Holy hair growth!
I love that regener8 has collagen in it! Look at that growth in just 4 months!!!
Also the anti-inflammatory properties make it possible for me to push my workouts with out injury (I ride approximately 80 miles a week on my peloton)”

Denise Fowler Farris’s review:
“Have to share my Momma’s story. She is a “mature citizen”, she calls herself. Broke her right hummus upper arm bone. Orthopedic surgeon said – no surgery!
Put her immediately on Rengener8, with collagen and Turmeric properties it has in it. She has had very very little pain through the healing process even with the therapy she just finished. She just said “I know that healthy hot drink you have me drinking has made me heal without pain and sped up my healing process”.

Jessica Dalton from California shared the post about Regener8:
“This is my absolute favorite product!!! I love to drink it in hot cocoa after the kids are in bed. I can feel out relaxing my back and shoulders instantly!! I don’t have nearly as many headaches/migraines like I used to!
My hubby loves it as well! It relaxes him so much, that he will fall asleep within probably 5 minutes ))”

Reviewed by Sherry Hill from Wisconsin:
“Wanna see what good nutrition and daily collagen do for healing??
I’m a 51+ y/o woman, who keloids terribly after every surgery!! THIS IS AMAZING!!
Pictures like these, don’t lie…”

Comment of Tami Groom Ferrero from California:
“I tore my meniscus bad in August 2020 and need surgery. I couldn’t sleep without pain, couldn’t walk without pain or limping.
Since started taking the Regener8 in November I have been pain FREE, and no more limp.
Amazing product!!”

Regener8 for herniated discs (review by Kiley Curlee from Minnesota):
“My skin, nails, hair growth…
My lower back (L4/L5 herniated discs) discomfort is nearly gone. I exercise daily and my feet and shin pain were becoming intolerable with aching… the pain had completely ended!”

Michele Ray posted her story:
“I was involved in a car accident in 2010 and I have had numerous surgeries and nerve blocks and trigger point injections, chiropractic treatment, Physical Therapy, acupuncture and more. Oh yea. Lyrica. Gabapentin. Opioids. Muscle relaxers. Anti inflammatory meds. Steroids.
I had fibromyalgia. Arthritis. Migraines. Bursitis. INFLAMMATION EVERYWHERE !
I stopped all of the Medication because of what it was doing to my body. I’m 57 years old and I felt like I’m in my mid-70s.
This product is AMAZING!! I drink it 2-3x a day and feel the inflammation and/ or pain melt away. It helps with soooo much more too!! I Won’t go a day without it!!”

Regener8 review by Sarah Stone from South Carolina:
“Today was leg day at 6 am 😂🦵 About 3 hours later my son and I did a quick HIIT workout, then a 3 mile walk/run. We also played with his new bean bag game for an hour after that.
This mama is hurting. As a thyroid patient (not to mention I’m 47) my body doesn’t always agree with the constant on the go. 😩
This is my go to pain relief. It’s also amazing for anti aging. This is life changing!! This was fun to make and absolutely delicious! It was like a treat in a little cafe! I was pain free in minutes and my liver will be thankful for the all natural ingredients!”

Reviewed by Wanda Mcmorris from Louisiana:
“Ummm… a million times love! 11° spinal curvature (scoliosis), on my feet 8 to 12 hours a day as an independent caregiver, since starting about 45 days ago, my arthritic pain is minimal at worst!
Back knees, & feet doesn’t hurt at all like it use to. I drink each morning with my coffee & flavored creamer of choice. Occasionally I’ll mix with my aloe vera water for commute home!
Skin texture is also improving!”

Lise StGermain’s review on Regener8:
“I have arthritis, in my knuckles. My fingers always hurt and keep me up at night. Since I started drinking Regener8 in the evening… I now can get through the night with no pain. It seems to help my whole body, hard to explain it but I have no more pain. I love it.
I put it in cranberry fruit tea, some sugar free vanilla syrup…so darn yummy!!”
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