(this text is Chapter 12 from official Brand Partner Handbook)

For more information, refer to “Orders and Billing” and
“International Shipping Terms and Restrictions” posted on Terms and Conditions page.
This is information article.
To order online visit this page
How do customers order from me?
Customers order online, and we ship everything to them straight from our warehouse.
Your customers place their orders from their own B-Epic member account / Back Office online dashboard. So, to start ordering, they first need to create their customer account at your B-Epic URL. It is free and fast to do. Instructions are provided in the “Signing Up Others” chapter.
Then, from their own B-Epic member account / online dashboard, they can purchase additional products, manage their monthly autoship subscription, track the delivery of their orders, change their shipping information, etc.
To make sure they get their product(s) every month, they can set up their order on monthly autoship at sign-up, but they can disable that feature or modify their order preferences later if they want for any reason. (More information is provided in the “Monthly Autoship Program” chapter). Reminder, there is no monthly minimum order requirement for customers to keep their account open.
Where do I see my customer’s orders?
Each member’s personal online orders are tracked and managed in their personal account’s Order History. But as their Sponsor, you can see when their most recent order was placed / processed from your Back Office. Instructions provided below.
How can I tell if my personally sponsored members have placed an order this month?
Each member’s personal orders are tracked and managed in their personal account’s Order History. Plus, from your Back Office, you (as their Sponsor) can see when their most recent order was placed / processed. To do this, log into your B-Epic member account. In the Legacy Back Office (online dashboard), go to the menu at the top of the screen, click on “Downline”, then click on “Personally Sponsored“. This will pull up a list of everyone you have personally signed up/sponsored as either a distributor or customer. Next to their name, it will list the date of their last order. If that field is blank or lists “None”, it means that they have not yet placed their first-ever order.
Reminder, distributors need a 40 PV or higher qualifying product pack order each month to maintain an active account. This does not apply to retail customers; there is no monthly minimum order requirement for customers to keep their account open.
How do I place a one-time order?
Whenever you like, you can purchase a product and not have it set up on a monthly autoship.
To place a one-time order, log into your B-Epic member account. In the Legacy Back Office (online dashboard), go to the menu at the top of the screen, click on “Home”, then click on “Place New Order“. Then fill out the order form for this purchase. For the one-time order, you select a Shipping Profile on file with your account (or set up a new one), a Billing Profile on file with your account (or set up a new one), and the product package(s) to add to your cart. Then, at the bottom of the screen, check the box to agree to the Terms, then click on the “Continue to Review” button. Finally, follow the prompts to complete your purchase. Be advised that your order will not be processed until after the payment has been verified; more information is provided in the “Billing and Paying for Orders” chapter.
Please note, instructions setting up a new Shipping Profile are provided in the “Shipping” chapter. Likewise, instructions for setting up a new Billing Profile are provided in the “Billing and Paying for Orders” chapter.
CAUTION: If you place a one-time order AND you have an autoship order that has not yet been processed this same calendar month, that upcoming autoship order may not actually process. This is due to a safety protocol programmed into the system designed to protect members from purchasing more than they intended in a given month. For this reason, you need to immediately contact Member Support after you place your one-time order, so we can verify for you that your upcoming autoship order will be processed. This is very important to do particularly if your autoship order is for the qualified product pack you need for rankings, commissions, and bonuses.
How do I set up or change my monthly order (autoship)?
When you first signed up and placed your initial order, autoship was set up (unless you didn’t activate it then), so your order will be processed every month. But you can change, disable, or re-activate your monthly autoship subscription as you like. Instructions are provided in the “Monthly Autoship Program” chapter.
How do I change or cancel an order?
You can change or cancel an upcoming order for any reason. Changes must be made at least 24 hours in advance of when you want them to go into effect. Be advised, if you request the change or cancellation after the order has been processed, you may be charged a 10% restocking fee.
Also, be aware an order cannot be changed or canceled once it has shipped; if a delivery tracking number has been assigned to your order in your Order History (in your B-Epic Back Office), it is too late to change or cancel that order. In this case, if you do not want to keep the product shipped to you, you would need to do a return and refund request, if eligible (eligibly requirements and instructions are provided in the “Returns and Refunds” chapter).
Detailed instructions for changing or canceling monthly autoship orders are provided in the “Monthly Autoship Program” chapter.
One-time online orders are processed as soon as the payment is verified; therefore, the window of time in which those orders can be changed or canceled is very small. So, if you do need to do so, immediately contact Member Support.
Please note, you cannot change or cancel an order for somebody else via your Back Office. Therefore, if for some reason another member (customer or distributor) needs help changing or canceling their order, contact Member Support.
See also 30-day Refund Policy