(this text is Chapter 14 from official Brand Partner Handbook)

The importance of providing valid, complete billing information
You are responsible for ensuring that the information you provide for billing is valid and complete. Payment for your personal orders will not go through if there are insufficient funds in your E-Wallet or credit card account. In addition, providing incorrect billing information will cause your credit card transaction to fail.
The most common reasons why payments do not go through are: (1) you do not have enough funds in the E-Wallet or credit card account to cover the charge; (2) you incorrectly typed in your credit card number; (3) you entered the wrong CVV security code (or mistyped it) for the credit card; (4) you listed a billing address that does not match the one to which the credit card is registered; (5) your credit card provider has flagged your credit card to protect you from potential fraud / identity theft.
It is your responsibly to ensure that your payment for your personal orders goes through. Your order will not be processed until after the payment has been verified. If payment is not received, the order will be designated “unprocessed” and will not be included in Commission computation and processing. B-Epic is not responsible for Volume shortfalls due to unprocessed orders due to lack of payment.
How am I billed for my purchases?
When you first signed up and placed your initial order, you provided billing information (including credit card) to use for the order. That information is securely linked (explained below) to your account as the Default Billing Profile for future payments. But you can change your billing information and payment method after-the-fact as often as you like, and the next applicable order will be billed to it. Instructions for setting up a new Billing Profile are provided below.
The billing information you provided when you initiated your monthly autoship order will be used each month thereafter (unless you change it).
When you place a one-time order, at the time of purchase you can either select a Billing Profile that is on file with your account or set up a new Billing Profile to use for that order.
Our system is designed using a secure transaction process that ensures your billing data is kept safe. Your data will be transferred securely using an SSL Certificate, stored with an encrypted algorithm designed to allow safe data storage and manipulation, and your credit card number and expiration date will not be available to anyone, including administration. Your billing method will only be used to charge your orders to your billing profile, either via autoship or via a point of sale purchase.
How will the charge appear on my credit card?
If you pay by credit card, the merchant name listed on your statement will be “R&D GLOBAL”.
Can I use the funds in my E-Wallet to pay for my orders?
Yes, you can use the funds in your E-Wallet to pay for your orders. As long as there are sufficient funds in your E-Wallet account at the time of payment processing, the order payment should go through. However, if your E-Wallet balance does not cover your order total amount at the time of payment processing, your Default Billing Profile will be used instead.
To enable E-Wallet payments, log into your B-Epic member account. In the Back Office (online dashboard), go to the menu at the top of the screen, on “Home”, then click on “Account Profile”. On the Your Account Profile screen, scroll down to “Autoship – Use E-Wallet when funds cover the balance of the order” (at the bottom) and check the box to ENABLE. Then click on the “Save Profile” button. Be advised, must save the updated settings before leaving the screen for the changes to go into effect.
Please note, in order to do this, you first must have your E-Wallet set up. Instructions are provided in the “E-Wallet and Withdraw” chapter.
How many Billing Profiles can I have on my account?
The system allows for three Billing Profiles per account. Moreover, there is no currently setting in your Back Office to edit or delete an existing Billing Profile. So, if you need to add a new Billing Profile but have already used all three of your allotted slots, contact Member Support.
How can I change my billing information / payment method?
There is no setting in your Back Office to edit or delete a Billing Profile. Therefore, if you need to fix or change something in an existing Billing Profile, contact Member Support.
Or, if you have not yet used all three of your allotted Billing Profile slots, you can create a new profile to use instead. To create a new Default Billing Profile, log into your B-Epic member account. In the Legacy Back Office (online dashboard), go to the menu at the top of the screen, click on “Home”, then click on “Billing Profiles”. On the Billing Profile Management Center screen, your Default Billing Profile is indicated by the green “Default Profile” status marker. If you have multiple Billing Profiles, click on the yellow “Set as Default” button next to the one you want to set as your new default. Or, to add a new Billing Profile, click on “Add New Billing Profile”, then fill in all the needed information. Take care to fill in everything correctly and completely. Then, at the bottom of the screen, click on the “Confirm and Save” button. Be advised, you must save the updated settings before leaving the screen for the changes to go into effect.
Where do I check if my payment has gone through for my orders?
You can check to confirm that your payment has gone through for your personal orders in your Order History. We highly recommend you do this for every order and/or monthly. To check the status of your payments, log into your B-Epic member account. In the Back Office (online dashboard), go to the menu at the top of the screen, click on “Home”, then click on “Order History”. Next to each order, it will list the payment status as PAID or UNPAID. Also, all orders for which your payment DID go through will be colored green. All orders for which your payment did NOT go through will be colored pink and there may be a “Decline Reason” listed under the order number.
If the payment for your order did not go though, you need to immediately address the problem and get it fixed. Instructions for this are provided in the “Unpaid / Declined Payment” chapter.
For more information, refer to “Orders and Billing”
posted on the Bepic.com Terms and Conditions page.