B-Epic pills Elev8 & Acceler8, before entering the markets of North America, Western Europe and Australia, were actively sold for three years in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. In those countries, they have undergone comprehensive clinical testing, now they are recommended by thousands of doctors, and tens of thousands of rave reviews have been published on the Web.
In the first year of sales in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK, there were also many positive reviews.
But there are also negative ones. Why? What are the reasons?
The main thing is…
Third-party purchases
Let’s look at these reviews on Acceler8 from the Amazon site:

So, the main complaints of buyers are the expired shelf life of the product and broken capsules. Alas, Amazon is a huge online supermarket with weak control and limited liability of sellers.
B-EPIС has no way to check the expiration dates and condition of its products sold by third-party sellers. But the company guarantees the quality and affordable shelf life of products that are bought on the official bepic.com website!
And here is another negative review, this time about Elev8 pills:

Obviously, such a situation could not have happened with the client if he had bought products directly from the manufacturer!
The above applies not only to Amazon, but also to all other trading platforms such as eBay, AliExpress, etc.
No need to buy from resellers, because you can buy directly from manufacturers, at the lowest prices and with quality guarantees. In addition, B-Epic maintains a 30-day 100% return policy on product purchases.
But, unfortunately, there is another reason for customer dissatisfaction. And this reason is objective:
Exacerbation of chronic diseases
Like any strong and effective herbal blend, Elev8 can cause exacerbation of chronic diseases. Such exacerbations occur in people with poor health at the very beginning of taking Elev8.
People may feel headache, joint pain, slight nausea and allergy symptoms. This need not be afraid, because after a few days the discomfort goes away. This is not necessary to be afraid of, because after a few days the discomfort goes away.
But this is enough for a person to write a negative review …

Or this one…

Tip: to avoid exacerbation, in the first week or two, you can take only a part of the capsule dayly. To do this, open it, pour some of the contents into a glass of warm water and drink it. If there are no exacerbation after the indicated period, start taking the whole capsule.
Detox process
There are several reasons for the pills negative effects, but the main reason is the body’s detox. Detox is an useful, but sometimes unpleasant process (link).

Read more about detox and its side effects.
Incorrect results assessment
Often people simply do not notice their results, although they are. This psychological phenomenon is known for a long time and is the reason for many negative reviews.
Check out this post for example.

Incorrect or irregular pill intake
Just watch this post:

Non-personalized taking schedule
All human bodies are individual, and sometimes you need to change the pill regimen. But some customers do not know about this, and write negative reviews about bEPIC ((
Here is an example that, fortunately, had a happy ending.
Lisa Fong wrote on B-Epic’s Facebook page:
June 7, 2020
From taking the Purple Pill from Acceler8 I experience a burning feeling in your gut throughout the night (almost feels like the capsules are stuck to your gut, no matter how much water you drink, it did not relieve the UN-settling burning sensation. Then I get acid reflux for 2 days.
Today I gave the purple pill another try, I took the Purple pill in the morning and actually opened the capsule and mixed it with Almond milk and water, hoping that would coat my stomach, then just like clock work,3- 6 hrs later, my stomach, once starts getting acid reflux, burping and bloating. ( I do not have suffer from Acid Reflux, but it only seems to happen when I take this purple pill).
Each time this happens, I need to stop the pill to give my stomach a rest as it gets to be really sensitive. I haven’t been able to complete my package due to the stomach issues I get from this pill.
June 16, 2020
Here is an update, I found the best solution and it’s working – even for the most sensitive tummies: I am now taking both pills at night – an hr before bed now – (after of 3 days of taking 1/2 of the purple pill ( out of the capsules of course and a full white sleep pill also out of the capsules ) -I have Been able to take the full pills together at night ).
This is what I have been doing with no tummy sensitivity any more) I am opening the capsules both the white ( for sleep) and the purple ( for detox) – I then stir it into a 1/2 glass of almond milk and water) -I do not mind the Taste at all ( just stir well) , this prevents the large capsules for getting stuck in your gut- I find the capsules could be the culprit – making it hard to dissolve in my tummy – now I wake up refreshed and having a healthy morning bowel movement as well.
Here’s another story.
Kayla H. wrote the following:
My entire life I have been active and in pretty decent shape. After finding out I had been suffering from endometriosis, I was put on birth control, then a shot that put me in early menopause for a whole year, and now back on birth control.
My weight spiraled out of control. I ended up with insomnia and my anxiety was through the roof.
About 1 month ago, I saw one of my gfs post a picture of her scale and it caught my attention! I asked her and she told me about this 3 pill system. I won’t lie, I was skeptic as I have tried Tru Vision and other supplements and nothing worked. But I wanted to support her so I said, alright I’ll try it out for a month.
I started out with taking the green pill right when I woke up, and both the purple and white at night before bed. 2 weeks had passed and I hadn’t saw any changes.
I felt as if this would be another deal that just didn’t work for me. Well I reached out to my gf, and she advised me to do the green pill like I had been, BUT, to take the purple pill at like 5 and the white at 7-8. It has made the world of difference!
I don’t know what the scale is currently at, but the pictures speak louder than ANY number on the scale. My anxiety is very minimal, I barely drink any caffeine anymore AND I am overall getting a good nights rest. I also haven’t taken my measurements but as you can see I have definitely lost some fat!
Please do know, I drink 1 1/2 to 2 gallons of water a day, and I do workout.

Read also: My B-Epic pills do not work! What should I do?
Here comes!.. The most negative review on B-Epic!

Gosh! Just a concentrate of negativity!
Well … at first we were going to respond in detail to this review, which is written in hate speech.
But then, instead of a thousand words, we decided to publish one picture, which depicts many happy clients, whom BEPIС gave health, confidence and hope. They live with joy and pleasure, and they know nothing about the fact that BEPIK is a total scam))

…Well, you can also watch this video

See more reviews
Reviews from skeptics
More info: BEpic Testimonials Facebook group
Note: 100 Epic is a private group, but it is easy to join by submitting a request to the administrator and answering a few simple questions.